Tuesday 4 February 2020

The Audio-Lingual Method in Language Teaching

Hey guys, it is nice to come together again after a long break.What's going on? Today I m gonna introduce Audio Lingual Method that we use while teaching. This teaching technique was initially called the Army Method, and was the first to be based on linguistic theory and behavioral psychology.
Based on Skinner’s Behaviorism theory, it assumed that a human being can be trained using a system of reinforcement. Correct behaviour receives positive feedback, while errors receive negative feedback.This approach to learning is similar to the Direct Method, in that the lesson takes place entirely in the target language.
The Audio-lingual Method was widely used in the 1950s and 1960s, and the emphasis was not on the understanding of words, but rather on the acquisition of structures and patterns in common everyday dialogue.These patterns are elicited, repeated and tested until the responses given by the student in the foreign language are automatic.

Some characteristics of this method are:
Drills are used to teach structural patterns
Set phrases are memorised with a focus on intonation
Grammatical explanations are kept to a minimum
Vocabulary is taught in context
Audio-visual aids are used
Focus is on pronunciation
Correct responses are positively reinforced immediately
So ,this video demonstrates the Audio-Lingual Method that provides better-understanding for you.

Saturday 11 January 2020


Salut tout le monde, welcome back! Today i will talk about how machinima works. Machinima takes its name from the combination of the words machine and cinema. It is animated filmmaking within a real-time virtual 3D environment - mostly using video games technology.  Educators and students are using this new medium in a variety of innovative ways to express ideas from literary works, music, art and performance. You can also use it to demonstrate content knowledge, document in-world activities or achievements, or examine research. Now i want to introduce our machinima about love story.We had so much fun while recording the script.I hope you take pleasure as well.

My Teaching Philosophy

My teaching philosophy is based on my self development. Every aspect of  teaching is shaped by the role i  want to play in the mentorship and development of my students. As a teacher, i should be able to provide the needs of pupils .Accordingly ,there are some goals that can support me for making progress.

One of the main goals of me as a teacher is to help students figure out who they are and how they can be of service to their community. I prefer to help students understand the social responsibilities of their field and the social impact of their choices.Once i’ve helped students find something they want to say, i need to help them find a way to say it. I give students the skills to communicate effectively and the confidence to express what they think. Learning can also be obtained from my students . I get to meet individuals with different personalities, and by spending some quality time with my students, my understanding of different kinds of lifestyles widens.By the way i maintain the balance of my personal and individual growth .

Secondly, my effort and enthusiasm as a teacher directly influence students’ commitment to my course and interest in my field. I inspire students by demonstrating belief in their students’ abilities and by providing the support students need to meet challenging academic demands. And also i show them the attitude of a determined and passionate teacher. This can inspire my  students to keep their heads held high despite all the spirit-breaking impediments that will be met in the future.I  can actually change their mindset  by inspiring them to take on the challenges.  I become the role model when it comes to overcoming the challenges and failures in my life for the students to know the values and traits they need to have in their pursuits of greatness. Additionally, i teach them how to think and not just commit to mind what is written in the book and on the board.

My task, as an instructor, is to create an atmosphere that fosters learning. I tend to encourage learning by creating a relaxed environment for students. Stimulating conversations about concepts and organizing material and equipments in a way that appeals to the learners and makes it easiest to understand. Furthermore, I treat subject matter as interconnected, emphasizing that everything students are learning fits together into a understanding of the world, from which they develop their personal worldview. I also reckon that learning how to find information applies to all areas of life and I use topics and examples that are useful. Finally, I believe that respect for my students is one of the most important things I can show. This is to inspire them to respect each other.

 In conclusion, I hope to impart to students that learning is an everlasting process. To me, it includes improving oneself professionally.I have a passion for guiding my students through the learning process. As I continue to instruct classes, I aim to enhance my ease and confidence in front of classroom and to develop my way of teaching too.

Sunday 5 January 2020

Become a Designer: Canva

Canva is a great design tool for public relations professionals. It is straightforward to use and has many benefits that make it one of the best websites to create designs.Canva has preset sizes and templates for social media posts, postcards, posters, cards, flyers, etc. Having preset options can save someone so much time when trying to figure out specific dimensions for their creation. Just click on the type of content you want to create and they already have everything sized and designed for you.

Empower Every Voice: Flipgrid

Flipgrid is a website that allows teachers to create "grids" to facilitate video discussions. Each grid is like a message board where teachers can pose questions, called "topics," and their students can post video responses that appear in a tiled grid display. Grids can be shared with classes, small groups, or any collection of users interested in a common strand of questions. Each grid can hold an unlimited number of topics and each topic can hold an unlimited number of responses. Topics can be text-based or include a resource such as an image, video, Giphy, emoji, or attachment.

Students can respond via the Flipgrid app or website with any camera-enabled device or by uploading a previously recorded video. Responses can be 15 seconds to five minutes, and a maximum recording time can be set. Teachers can also allow students to record replies to classmates' responses.

You can see my video that i recorded on Flipgrid .Just click here

Saturday 4 January 2020

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost is about Adam and Eve-how they came to be created and how they came to lose their place in the Garden of Eden, also called Paradise. It's the same story you find in the first pages of Genesis, expanded by Milton into a very long, detailed, narrative poem. It also includes the story of the origin of Satan. Originally, he was called Lucifer, an angel in heaven who led his followers in a war against God, and was ultimately sent with them to hell. Thirst for revenge led him to cause man's downfall by turning into a serpent and tempting Eve to eat the forbidden fruit.

I would like to share a video which is related to summary and analyze of Pradise Lost. It may be useful for English Literature exam on Monday. Au revoir!

Friday 3 January 2020


Hi guys! Today, I am here with my first vodcast using Powtoon.I handled steps of memorization. I hope you enjoy!

Create Awesome Animated Videos: Powtoon

A powerful educational tool

PowToon gives users tools to create animated slideshow presentations that present like videos.It provides for education:
-Effective Communication
Developing and communicating information and new ideas to others has a strong impact on learning.
-Increases Engagement and Motivation to Learn
Curriculum is most effective when learners are engaged and motivated to learn. Animated cartoon characters instantly engage learners in the content and make learning fun.
-Promotes Creativity and Innovation
Providing opportunities for creativity allows learners to take ownership of learning, which leads to deeper retention and meaning.
-Creates a Safe Environment
Using animated characters and words to tell stories and present ideas gives a voice to shy students and those with speech challenges.
-Offers Learning Independence
Students learn best when they “pull” learning. Pre-recorded learning that students can access based on their individual needs can increase learner independence and skill confidence.

Augmented Reality in Education

Incorporating immersive technologies like augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR) and mixed reality (MR) into education has been shown to improve learning efficiency and is more effective at teaching students than compared to other media such as books, videos, or desktop computer experiences.

The introduction and use of AR in education create fun and excitement for students. Students become excited to learn. Thus, stirs up their motivation to the learning process. The truth is; AR stimulates better learning process in students. It pushes them into a learning place where they become critical in dissecting new ideas. This increases the imaginative prowess of students in the learning process. At the end, students grow their imaginative and thinking ability. Thus discovering and getting to know more about themselves through the learning process.

The use of AR apps in education brings about increase in student participation in class. With AR apps, students have access to education and learning models. These models aid better and high level understanding of subjects among students. The more students understand having better grasps of topics, the more their participation. This is the exact result AR apps in education tend to achieve. These apps help students grasp concepts faster and easier through the provided models. At the end, students are sounder with high level curiosity to learn. This results in active class participation. As seen in form of questions, consultations, and contributions from students. This is a fun way of learning in education. Thus increases student motivation and curiosity in the learning process.

These are some applications that I used so as to show how they work:

                                     SolAR-Explore Planets in AR


The use of AR in education provides interactive lessons to students. Students have full access to educative and interactive models on their devices. On the long run, this propels clear and better understanding of educational concepts. This is one of the best ways to engage students. This aids learning and increased educative activities among students. Thus, help them reinforce the concepts
they have seen in class during lectures.

The use of AR in education brings about enriched ways of telling educational stories. Through augment reality, educational storytelling has become powerful through visual models. These models are unique and help student to visualize educational concepts. AR models help bring to life educational concepts and the learning process. Thus creates the impression of originality and realness for educational concepts.

Thursday 2 January 2020

Padlet:Digital Walls For Sharing,Learning And Teaching

Do your best with Padlet!

Padlet is a new technological tool that works like a cork board by facilitating students to post notes in a common place. It allows students to share notes with others in the form of links, images, videos and different documents.

 It will enable you to share your unique ideas in class or home group research session with your friends and class fellows. Moreover, you and your friends can share their researched ideas with everyone by placing it on the Padlet wall. Once every student uploads their great ideas on the wall, then you and your friends can discuss about on different ideas together.

By using Padlet in classroom teachers can motivate students to be creative. Students will also avail the opportunity to show their creative work with other class fellow by placing it on Padlet wall.  Students can also compete with each other by creating a wall and placing their creative ideas on it. In this way, students would not only enhance their creativity, but also appreciated by their teachers.

Class participation plays a great role in the academic performance of the student. It’s vital for students to participate in their classroom in order to enhance their knowledge. It is proved that by using Padlet students can participate in class activities more effectively. This is because students can ask questions and discuss complex class topics with their teacher and other class fellows by placing them on Padlet wall.

By using it in the classroom, you can track current and upcoming class assignment’s topics and their due dates. You will also get the opportunity to write and learn new vocab by writing new words daily on its wall.

   I made an example padlet and would like you to take a look:

Made with Padlet

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Artful Storytelling :Storybird

Online book community

Hi everyone,welcome back! Let me introduce Storybird.Storybird is an online social platform for storytelling. Students act as authors, pairing their words with site-curated, licensed art. Students can compose text, but they can't upload their own art; they must use Storybird's curated collection in their picture books and illustrated poems. Storybird offers a community for storytelling and a well-designed interface for matching words to compelling pictures. It can inspire student writing, but not all students will be inspired by the site on its own. Since students and teachers can also read published stories and comment on them, it offers good opportunities to practice digital citizenship.Also, educators onboard students directly by creating accounts or inviting them via class code. They may create and issue assignments, moderate comments, review student work, apply a grade or comment. Educators may choose to run a fundraiser where family members may purchase a copy of their child’s story. 

You can also check it out my first short story experience on Storybird:

Tuesday 31 December 2019

Build Your Own Flascard Sets: Quizlet

                          Learn With Flashcards, Games&Study Tools

Quizlet is a free website providing learning tools for students, including flashcard, study and game modes.It was created by high school sophomore Andrew Sutherland in 2005 and now contains over 40 million study sets.All of the meterial is user generated.
Teachers can search premade learning sets by subject or create their own.They can set up classes and monitor student progressthrough assigned learning sets.Students can log into their teacher's assigned learning sets, search for sets on a prescribed subject,or they can create their own studey aids! Briefly:

  • Enables you to study key vocabulary
  • Create flashcards to preview the learning unit
  • Study the cards regularly to learn the terms 
  • Play a game or take a practice quiz to check your progress

         Here is the link of cards that i prepared about common vocabulary.

Colloborate in Blackboard

  • Blackboard is a virtual learning environment that you can access on and off a campus.
  • It is online platform that provides a space for each course taught each semester. Student enrollments, grades, courses, and faculty assignments are administered automatically by the system.
  • A teaching and learning system that is used to deliver online resources and learning activities. 
  • A shared repository of problems, partial solutions, suggestions, and contributed information. The blackboard can be seen as a dynamic “library” of contributions to the current problem that have been recently “published” by other knowledge sources 
  • Virtual online platform that supports learner engagement, interaction, and learning through technology and educational services.
  • An e-learning platform and online course management system used extensively in colleges, universities, and other educational institutions. Blackboard supports online tools such as discussion forums, email, live chat, and whiteboarding, as well as content in various formats

Friday 27 December 2019

Web 2.0 and Emerging Learning Technologies: Hot Potatoes

                              Creating Interactive Web-Based Exercises

Hot Potatoes software allows you to make interactive assessments for students. One of the advantages of using this software is that it is free to use and can be accessed anywhere once it has been downloaded, so the teacher can start creating activities. Furthermore, it gives the teacher a variety, making the students more motivated as the lessons are neither repetitive nor are they solely based on the traditional pen and paper. Moreover, by using activities such as those that can be created by Hot Potatoes, students are becoming more independent in their learning and also more computer literate.The quizzes are made on your local computer and then can be imported into Moodle or shared on websites.

-JQuiz - multiple choice and short answer
-JCloze - gap-fill exercieses
-JMatch - Matching and Ordering Questions
-JMix - jumbled sentence or jumbled word exercises
-JCross - crossword questions

Wednesday 25 December 2019

All Your Classes In One Place: Edmodo

Manage your classroom. Engage your students.

Edmodo is a free social learning platform for teachers, parents, and students.The use of Edmodo in the classroom offers many possible advantages to both students and teachers. Edmodo’s platform is based around groups with a common interest or purpose, such as a classroom learning community. Edmodo provides a secure and private environment. The administrator, or teacher, invites the members of the group. This controls who can interact with the members of the group.

Edmodo can be incorporated into classrooms for a variety of uses. Current uses include posting assignments, taking quizzes, creating polls for student responses, and providing links for useful information. Edmodo allows students to upload assignments for their teachers to view and grade. Students also have the ability to post questions or comments to the entire group, or to post directly and privately to the instruction or page administrator.

• Safe, closed network
• Students can participate in online discussions
• Environmentally friendly, no paper needed
• The calendar keeps all homework organized for teachers and students
• Allows students to collaborate with peers in other classes, schools, or countries
• Teachers can differentiate instruction by creating subgroups of students
• After posting their work, students can receive feedback and suggestions
• There are text alerts to remind students of big assignments
• Teachers can give students positive reinforcement privately
• Ability to share digital media such as blogs, links, videos, documents, notes, presentations etc.
• Parents can stay connected by viewing their child's work and grades
• Parents and teachers can message one another
• Students can upload homework assignments
• Teachers can give feedback and post grades

      Here's the link of edmodo that you can log in https://new.edmodo.com/

Tuesday 24 December 2019

Have Fun While Learning: Kahoot!

                                                        Make Learning Awesome

Kahoot! is a game-based learning platform that makes it easy to create, share and play learning games or trivia quizzes in minutes.

This is a game-based platform where students are encouraged to be leaders by researching, creating and presenting quizzes. They conduct research themselves on a given topic and also encourage their classmates to learn.

Kahoot saves the result of every quiz played over the platform.  When learners start quizzing they need to enter their nickname and their recorded scores are saved in their profile. This unique feature makes Kahoot an engaging platform.After a game, encourage players to create and share their own kahoots! With one of our premium plans for schools or business, you can co-create games with your colleagues and save time on finding relevant kahoots for your class or training session.Yo are able to do these via Kahoot:

-Create and Share Questions
-Powerful Classroom Engagement Tool
-Educators challenge learners to ask their own questions
-Learners become leaders by asking their questions back
-Answer questions through a powerful classroom engagement tool

           Let's review the quiz that I made up about Methods of Language Teaching on Kahoot:https://create.kahoot.it/share/methods-of-language-learning/5cb02162-0569-4359-bab3-66c047af6522

Virtual Reality in Education

Transforming Education Through Technology 

A virtual learning environment is an online-based platform that offers students and professors digital solutions that enhance the learning experience. Unlike a virtual classroom, which is meant to replicate and replace the physical classroom environment for distance learners, a virtual learning environment (or VLE) harnesses technology to supplement an in-class experience, with, for example, digital communication, interaction and quizzes or polls run through the VLE.

A virtual learning environment refers to a system that offers educators digitally-based solutions aimed at creating interactive, active learning environments. VLEs can help professors create, store and disseminate content, plan courses and lessons and foster communication between student and professor (in the form of e-mails and discussions), even in real-time. Virtual learning environments are often part of a higher education institution’s wider learning management system (LMS).

And i used Avakin Life in order to give you an example for better understanding:

Technically speaking, virtual learning environments are designed spaces that resemble architecturally sophisticated buildings. Think of an ideal place of teaching and learning, one where the messy desk covered in coffee-stained assessments and the equally large pile of lesson plans all moves to your laptop. Teachers effortlessly move between assessment, feedback, sharing and monitoring without knocking over their coffee in the process. Students have their assessments returned swiftly -- unstained. A virtual learning environment offers not only an elegantly designed space for teaching and learning, but a place where learners, teachers and students feel at ease. A good VLE allows users to co-construct their learning environments together over time. 

There are several advantages of visual aids. Let’s learn what they are to help you better understand the power of visuals in eLearning: 

 -Help Store Information Longer

 -Make Communication Quicker And Simpler
 -Aid Better Comprehension
 -Act As Stimulators For Emotions
 -Drive Motivation
 -Unsuitable Visuals Equals Unhappy Learners

Moodle: E-Learning Course

                               Empowering educators to improve our world

Technology has always been at the forefront of human education. From the days of carving figures on rock walls to today, when most students are equipped with several portable technological devices at any given time, technology continues to push educational capabilities to new levels. In looking at where educational methods and tools have come from to where they are going in the future, technology’s importance in the classroom is evident now more than ever.

Moodle is an excellent content management system that allows the teaching of subjects through the internet no matter where the location.Moodle its fundamentally used for organizing the teaching of virtual courses online.The use of Moodle has been used in many different types of places like small academies, and large universities.This virtual learning allows the teacher to offer remote assessments like tests and various exercises.The teacher can place documents on the web so the students can complete their homework, and also maintain communication using many tools like e mail or posting on a bulletin board.

-Moodle promotes a social constructionist pedagogy (which includes collaboration, activity-based learning, critical reflection, etc).
-Moodle is suitable for 100% online classes as well as supplementing face-to-face learning.
-Moodle has a simple, lightweight, efficient, compatible, low-tech browser interface.
-Course listings show descriptions for every course on the server, including accessibility to guests
-Courses can be categorized and searched - one Moodle site can support thousands of courses.

      I haven't used this education system yet.When i start i will be sharing my  experiences here.                

Monday 23 December 2019

Learn Via Pixton

The World's Best Way To Make Comics

Pixton is a cartoon creation tool that allows its users to create awesome comics. Pixton has also a growing community that anyone can access to contribute with their own comics. This tool is very easy to use and does not require any artistic skills to work on it. You can introduce it to your students and let them create their own comics and share them with each other.
Here is a list of the main features that Pixton provides for its users:
-It is free for individual accounts
-It lets users create their own comics
-It lets you give text and speech bubbles to characters
-It lets you edit the shape and position of each comic panel
-It offers unlimited range of expressions
-It lets you upload your own photos and personalize them the way you want
-It provides presets, templates, and shapes


Also,this is my first cartoon creation on Pixton as well:

In order to go to my dashboard on Pixton ,you can just click here

Kids love comics, and computers. Tap this interest to get them writing!

Explore Fascinating Pins: Pinterest

             Pins Of The World

          This is a social network that's actually worth paying attention to

Pinterest is a social media platform which people use to search, save and learn different things through visual images. It can be anything from designs in fashions, wedding decor, events, architecture and furniture, recipes, tips to good health, or education.Ideas on Pinterest are presented through images and videos attached with URL links. Pinterest is an original site where anything the user shares or downloads is in the form of images. Pinterest is a visual treat to its users and has recently become very popular all around the world because of its diversified content.

Teachers and students are vastly benefiting from this site. Teachers can make their lesson plans interesting with the help of Pinterest. This social platform differentiates lesson plans by using images and videos for visual understanding.Science experiments and projects can be made more in depth, which in turn makes learning easy and fun.Since Pinterest has become one of the newest and best online tools, the site is popular amongst teachers. They are able to save pictures and even blogs, using online pin boards in an easily accessible and usable way. Some different ways teachers can use Pinterest to inspire themselves follow:

Decorate classrooms: Pinterest provides a number of photos of classroom setups. These classrooms would be lively for the students too.
Referencing studies: These ideas can be organized on Pinterest and can be easily found when needed.
Showcasing student accomplishments: Pinterest provides creative ideas to make such bulletin displays.
Educational pins: Give teachers ideas regarding the student’s projects and lesson plans.

 Google searches can contain inappropriate content, which is useless and gives a negative impact on users. Pinterest restricts and controls these searches for the students. The website also tries to keep its content clean and user-friendly.

Pinterest’s increasing popularity proves that it is one of the most useful sites, highlighting on the importance of educating. It has made teaching and learning techniques easy and interesting. Connecting through Pinterest has made the teacher-student relationship stronger. It’s also an inspiring and motivating site for anyone.

        If you're ready to get started with Pinterest, you can visit my profile by clicking here

Voki For Education

Get Your Own Speaking Avatar

The significiant role of technical training is in the application of knowledge.There are special exercise equipment, new computer programs aimed at developing skills:Voki

Voki is an online,virtual classroom tool.Through this program, as an instructor ,you can create an avatar to represent yourself or someone else to present the topic you are trying to teach .You can then addd speech to this avatar to make the experience easier on your students.Voki gives you as a teacher the opportunity to engage students in any topic area through a simple to use and free resource available anytime and anywhere for almost any purpose.Voki is used for:
-Getting students to share their learning 
-Getting feedback from students
-Getting students to add a more human feel to their bog or wiki
-Foreign language speakers to express views and opinions easier 
-Engaging and hooking students into a subject or topic
-Interacting with students on a global level 
-Practising and listening to their presentation
-Much,much more... 

 Welcome to the 21.century where technology presents us with a multitude of ways to do things and when it comes to using technologhy ,the kids simply love it!

Lesson outlines,which include teacher ratings ,offer a wealth of ideas and list the trageted grade level,bjectives,duration,and required meterials.One of Voki's best uses is as an instant playback tool;if kids type a sentence into the site that's grammatically incorrect or contains spelling errors,having it spoken back to them will let them hear and fix mistakes.

Using Voki to enhance learning requires some out of the box thinking on the teacher's part, and the site does offer a lot of ideas,ranging from public speaking to point of view .

                  You can also check it out my first Voki character:    https://www.voki.com/site/pickup?scid=15976416&chsm=ee122da88c7d94cd81011fb505c54416                      

Meet Socrative By Mastery Connect

Your tool for fun and effective formative assessment

Socrative enables you to engage and assess students on any device and operating system during class.All the activities visualize student answers in real time and provides detailed reports for afterwards.Directly from your teacher dashboard ,you can launch all types of assessments:
-Start a quiz
-Do a quick question or polling activity
- Play a fun space race game
-Doing out of the door exit ticket

Socrative is simple and flexible ,and best of all,it works on almost any web or app enabled device.Properly implemented, this assessment tool allows teachers to create rich quiz type content and engage all students through quick formative assessment questions or healthy team competitions.It is a great tool to assess learning in the moment or spark conversations because there's so much flexibility in how teachers structure questions ,answers and explanations. Teachers can adjust settings so that students can see percentages on the screen instead of individual responses ;students who are reluctant to raise their hands in class will appreciate the chance to respond digitally and anonymously.

Using Socrative as a starting place,teachers can foster effective communication skills by encouraging students to think critically  and debate answers in a respectful and meaningful way.Also ,the tools hs the capability to align each questions to a Common Core standard.You can measure student learning with printable reports ,but to see long term data of students over time,you will need to put in the time to aggregate separate reports into one.Now i will share how to form a quiz in Socrative below :

          Also, you can glance at my quiz that I formed via this       platform:https://b.socrative.com/teacher/#import-quiz/43817553

Sunday 3 November 2019

First Podcast

Hello everyone, I am here with my first podcast that may help you to be informed about Direct Method. I hope you like it. 

Sunday 20 October 2019

Experience of Second Life

Hi everyone, Today i met with virtual world called Second Life that made me fascinated. I heard this virtual game from my lecturer then i tried. The possibilities in second life are endless and the world really does try it’s best to let you do whatever you want. It can be simple like going to a café and taking a stroll in the park to riding a dragon ,meeting with new people , wearing whatever you want.. You are able to shape the world around you. Building and creating is one of the many factors that affect the world of Second Life. However one thing I disliked about these tools were that it may be too complex for beginners but Second Life is definitely you should experience :)

The Audio-Lingual Method in Language Teaching

Hey guys, it is nice to come together again after a long break.What's going on? Today I m gonna introduce Audio Lingual Method that we...